What do teachers look for in field trip?
- What do teachers look for in field trip?
If you are associated with the management of a school or are a teacher, you must have by this time, realised the far reaching benefits, the field trips have. You must be willing to get connected with a professional yet experienced student tours manager. Travelling is itself a challenge and when it is with students, the trips have to be conducted more carefully. The safety and security of each and every student has to be guaranteed. Let has have a look into some of the things which the teachers should look for in a field trip.
- A destination specialist should always accompany the group. He will not only be the last resource about the place but will also be able to assist the driver. He can also make recommendations to the trip sponsor to help in smooth transition from one place to another. He is the sole person who can look after adjusting the itinerary and facilitating the arrival and departure from hotels and places of attractions.
- Organization is an equally important key for conducting safe tours for students. A well managed travel experience will begin only with the realization that there must be the best possible supervision and clearly charted out responsibilities in your group. There should always be a code of conduct or a set of well defined behavioural expectations for the entire duration, be it in the bus or car or in the hotel
- The authority figures should be effective in carrying out their duties and should ensure that the students are in the right place at the right time and have no discipline issues.
- The final itinerary should always be reviewed, emphasizing on the learning experiences to be gathered
- If the tour spans for more than a day, night time security is a thing to be considered. Other than this, there should be plans for health care and handling medication and first aid. Safe travel experience is always about being prepared for an unforeseen illness or accident.
- In short, successful student travel is not only about selecting a date of travel and destination and making reservations and collecting payments. It is also about frequent and effective communication, thorough planning and attention to details.