Uncover history on a trip to Gujarat
- Uncover history on a trip to Gujarat
Gujarat has an undeniable history that many are not aware of. The state got its name from Gujjaratta which means “The land of the Gujjars”. Gujarat is known to have encompassed one of the most ancient civilizations in South East Asia, the Indus Valley Civilization. More than fifty ruins have been excavated and unearthed in Gujarat, which testified the presence of Harappa settlements in this area. The settlement existed between 3300 and 1700 BC. Lothal, which is an early Harappan town, existed in Gujarat around 3000 BC. The archaeologists have established this to be the oldest known port of the world.
The Dravidian tribes were also one of the first inhabitants of this state and there are enough evidences to prove that these tribes were in active trade participation with the tribes in the Persian Gulf. The Aryans later invaded Gujarat region and drove the Dravidians to down south.
Some of the most dynamic Hindu kingdoms have also contributed to Gujarat being pregnant with history. Lord Krishna and his brother Lord Balarama settled in Kushasthali, which is now known as Dwarka and began the Yadava dynasty. Gujarat was also exploited by Emperor Ashoka, the proofs of which can be found in the rock edifices in Girnar Hills in Junagarh.
With Mohammad Ghazni and his invasions, Gujarat also marked the entry of Muslim rulers. He overpowered the Hindu kings of Somnath, thus ending their rule. The dominance of the Muslim rulers started here, with Gujarat being independent as the Sultanate of Gujarat, till Mughal Emperor Akbar decided to annex it to the rest of the Mughal Empire.
The strategically located Gujarat was a very important commercial trading post in the western side of the sub-continent. The first base of British East India Company was established in Gujarati n 1614, till Bombay took it over, much later.
The struggle for independent India saw the birth of some of the bravest sons of India, in this state. Vallabbhai Patel, Morarji Desai and most importantly Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi were born in this state and Gujarat witnessed the beginning of many freedom movements.
Thus Gujarat is a land of history, a must visit for every student in India