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Importance of field trips for students

27 Jun

Importance of field trips for students

  1. Importance of field trips for students

Presently students, in various fields of study, are participating in field trips, to have a better and more practical view about their field of study. Now, the question is what are field trips? It was an unfathomed aspect of studying, even a few years back. Now, the schools, colleges and universities are giving more importance to it as they provide a rich experience, an experience never felt before.

A field trip is of great fun, but people with little idea about it may confuse it with vacations. This is the primary thing that should be kept in mind. There are proper differences between field trips and vacations. In student field trips, the students are treated to a visual experience of what they have been learning so far, which has a deep impact on what they learn. Typically led by teachers and group chaperones, they get in touch with unlimited global learning and get a firsthand experience of various cultures. They gain the capacity to appreciate different corners of the world and as they socialize and interact with the local people, they have a broader perspective of life.

Benefits of field trips

Let has have a look into the multitude of benefits, field trips have.

  • Interacting with locals: When it is simple classroom teaching, the students see the world through a glass, which their teacher asks them to wear. They are not exposed to the various thoughts and perspectives of the people in other parts of the world or the country. When they interact with people from different cultures, not only will they learn about different views, values and perspectives but will also learn to empathize with them. There are various aspects of social interaction like greeting or acceptable topics of discussion. The students will get enlightened about all of them.
  • Connecting different issues: Whatever is read in the history books, will have no significance, till that place is visited and the flavours are smelled. When the students study about various historical issues and form an idea about a certain culture, often they might have a wrong notion regarding a culture. They will learn in a more concrete way and understand how political, socioeconomic, political and other environmental issues are connected, once they tie their shoe laces for educational field trips.
  • Instilling a passion for travelling: During the tours, students are guided not through the pages of the book but by experiences. The learning becomes more enjoyable through travels and the students have a broadened understanding of the world. Some of them might even realize their passion for knowing more about countries and cultures and turn it into a rewarding career.
  • Cultural observation: On a good educational tour, the students experience the nuances of a different culture. Again the organizers arrange for activities like volunteering or intermingling with people from different socioeconomic backgrounds. These experiences help the students to develop a deep understanding of how a country is run, what more needs to be done and what are the scopes for development. They can get inspired to work towards a change.